
Posts Tagged ‘Republican’

More confessions….even less research. Clueless republican round two

December 7, 2011 Leave a comment

Once again my friend over at has decided to bash Ron Paul.

Using the American Spectator, and a bag of bon bon’s, my friend [who shall remain nameless, because she is to much of a coward to post her name] managed to (in less than a paragraph) show once again she is indeed a moron!

Before I get into all of that, though, I will give credit where credit is due.  CRW [Clueless Republican Woman] was willing to come on this site and debate me. For that, she is somewhat deserving of my respect.

First of all, the American Spectator got this story %100 correct. Many large companies have indeed given Ron Paul money.

So fucking what? I would love for somebody to explain how that makes him a hypocrite! Let me explain why it doesn’t [even though CRW could easily have come up with this same answer if she had any deductive reasoning capabilities at all].

1. The only danger in big biz giving politicians money, is the worry that they will buy that politicians vote with it. Since Ron Paul has 30 years of consistent voting, I would say the danger here is nothing.

2. In running with Ron Paul’s longtime freedom ideology, why wouldn’t he accept donation from large business? Are large businesses not allowed in free society to give campaign contributions to candidates they support?

3. This article very misleadingly states “Congressman Paul has made much of his opposition to Washington special interests,”  trying to somehow tie Ron Paul in with special interest groups in order to make him look hypocritical. Did you see the amounts these companies donated? It was nothing! In fact look if you look here you will find that Paul has always disclosed his donors almost to the letter. This was not some big secret that the spectator found.  If you did any of your research you would find that most of his contributors are small to mid size businesses as most corporations won’t touch the man. Why you ask? Well he has this little thing called a voting record that makes him a bad investment for corporate kickbacks. In other words, he isn’t bought and paid for.

It is hilarious that even as Ron Paul’s predictions are coming true right in front of peoples eyes that this dipshit is still trying to attack him and to defend who? GINGRICH? [And CRW don’t act like it’s not you attacking him along with the American Spectator just look at your headline]

Paul said our intervention in Libya would destabilize the region.  He was right. Thanks to an American backed coalition, and our CIA training rebels we knew nothing about, Libya is now full of the very same extermination squads we claimed we were there to stop. Militia groups are rounding up and killing minorities, and each other. Rape is at an all time high along with crime. There is no government, and rest assured when there is one it will hate the United States.

Paul said for 10 years before the economic collapse that our federal reserve system of currency (which is backed by nothing) would cause inflation, instability, and eventually collapse. They laughed at him! I bet it’s not so fucking funny now is it?

Paul said that backing up an Egyptian revolution would be a terrible idea, as we had no idea who would come to power. Now we see that the Muslim Brotherhood has won the government power in that country. A worse group of extremists than that would be hard to find.

The list goes on and on and on. How many times must this man and his ideologies be proven right before these republican fools wake up?

Look at Gingrich and his voting record. Let me just name a few that republicans should shutter at:

  • Cosponsored Fairness Doctrine [totally unconstitutional]
  • Voted for N.A.F.T.A [totally unconstitutional]
  • Defended Romney care and supported a personal mandate [totally unconstitutional]
  • Supported GATT [totally unconstitutional]
  • He is a paid lobbyist for big ethanol [who has funded his campaign thus far] and
  • Freddie and Fannie [Oh wait, he was just a paid historian]

Putting Ron Paul’s voting record against Gingrich makes Gingrich look like a mid op tranny- you can’t tell if he’s a dick, or a pussy! Whatever he is, it certainly isn’t conservative!

CRW you can’t defend this man to a rational person. Has he voted for some things I agree with? YES! That is like saying though that a murderer stopped a rapist. It’s nice he stopped the rapist, but he’s still a fucking murderer.

This is why the corporate media [and kool aid drinkers like yourself] never compare the records of the two candidates [which is by far the most important thing to look at] and instead try to find silly things like the fact that a few businesses donated a few thousand dollars to Paul’s campaign. Again I will ask the question “If it doesn’t change his vote, then why give a fuck who gives him money?”

Final simple breakdown,

Ron Paul may not be perfect, but his ideas are the closest I have ever seen to that of the founders of this country. He is not corrupt, and is not a hypocrite. Instead of comparing his ideas to that of other candidates and his voting record dumbasses such as CRW are busy worrying about how much money he legally obtained from organizations his voting record shows he is not in bed with.

CRW I don’t think you are stupid, and even agree with some of your articles and opinions, try to think rationally about this one if your inferior female brain will allow it.

Clueless Republican….should go back in the closet!

November 22, 2011 17 comments

I had an article sent to me by a friend recently that was written by- what a shock- another dumb ass woman.

Broken down, the article is about how Ron Paul is a moron. This would be all well and good [I am fine with people calling others idiots, either directly or indirectly] but only if it is warranted.

I swear we need to repeal women’s voting rights. They keep writing this crap and I keep debunking it. Women should just stop blogging about politics all together. Stick with what you know. Here are some helpful examples of things you can occupy your time with that are far more productive than your silly ass opinion about politics.


First lets focus on the first thing this dolt…[though possibly hot since she is a republican, democrats are blah] has to say in her article.

“Thankfully, presidential-hopeful Ron Paul is in no way a viable candidate- straw polls be damned- because if this country wasn’t in trouble already, we’d take a further nose dive under his leadership.”

It’s always nice when morons post a second statement to back up a first statement that had nothing to do with with the first statement. Using very strange logic, Clueless Republican Woman or lets just say CRW for short, managed in one sentence to destroy her own argument.

She says Ron Paul isn’t viable…then points out the very straw polls that make him viable! Way to go dipshit! You have me sold. It certainly looks like the people of Illinois don’t think he is viable either.

Then CRW goes on to say that our country would go even further down the toilet on his watch than Barack Obama! I have to assume she means Barack Obama since he is the one in charge now, and Ron Paul would only come to power by ousting him in the next election.

Next retarded statement.

“Paul is a naive fool at best when it comes to foreign policy.”

Way to go on your research CRW. You really nailed this one! You are so right! Aside from sitting on the “House International Relations Committee” and writing a bestselling book on the subject, “Foreign Policy Of Freedom” as well as having actually been in the military [unlike every other candidate running] I would say the man is a totally naive fool when it comes to foreign policy.

Of course CRW, if you have a history of sitting on congressional committees that have to do with foreign policy or have put hundreds of hours of research into a foreign policy plan based on what our founding fathers practiced and put that knowledge into a book that thousands bought, I will shut up right now and concede that you are right. What’s that you say? You don’t? Oh, OK got it.

Based on your awesome foreign policy background, which I am sure rivals Ron Paul’s to be sure, I totally agree with your next comments since you are qualified to make them.

“His latest comments regarding Iran categorically prove that he is totally clueless, and would be a monumental disaster for the U.S.”

Here is the dictionary definition of categorically.

  “Being without exception or qualification; absolute.”

Boy I would say he is certainly “categorically” clueless also! Especially when you add what CRW has to say next to back up that claim!

“Most everyone in the world knows that Iran is in no way trustworthy, and that their nuclear ambitions are not as innocent as they would have us believe.”

Let me add to the list of countries that most people in the world don’t find very trustworthy, that also have access to nukes:

  1. United States
  2. China
  3. India
  4. Russia
  5. North Korea
  6. Pakistan
  7. Britain
  8. Israel

Now, can you honestly say that you trust any of the above countries with their nukes except the United States? I am still waiting for somebody to adequately give me guidelines on how we determine what countries are or are not allowed to have nuclear weapons. The United States has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan- two sovereign countries- without provocation to kill terrorists even though the terrorists that attacked us came from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and The United Arab Emirates. If you didn’t see Iraq or Afghanistan on that list it’s because none of them were from either country.  Yet we are still allowed to keep nuclear weapons and there is no call in the international community to disarm us. Iran has only had one major conflict in the 20th century and it was…..AGAINST IRAQ! It was also defensive- they were attacked first. Now I don’t know about you, but history is telling me that I am not so sure our country has the moral authority to tell theirs what to do.

Now how does CRW support her war drums against Iran?

“In fact, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N.’s  nuclear watchdog,  is set to publish a report claiming that the Iranians  worked diligently and secretly (thanks to Russians, North Koreans and Pakistanis!) on gathering all the information needed to build nuclear weapons.  Apparently they now have pretty much all they need, and with a mere 6 months to enrich uranium they would be good to go.”

First off, why in God’s name would a Republican listen to the U.N. about anything? Republicans are always [and rightly so] trying to cut U.N. funding from the United States for being scumbag motherfuckers run by dictators, fascists, and nation states. Yet I guess when the report supports what CRW wants, the U.N. is suddenly trustworthy and good.  Oh yes, with a packet of rainbow skittles and a smile the [IAEA] was able to uncover a sinister plot hatched by the Russians, Pakistanis, and North Koreans to give the Iranians all the information they need to know about making nuclear bombs [information that has been public for years]

Yes, good Job [IAEA]! We wouldn’t want this sensitive information to get out!

Of course Ron Paul, who receives CIA briefings, says that Iran is years away from making a nuclear weapon. Of course, our government has a good track record of figuring out which country’s do or do not have WMD’s don’t we? Still I will take our CIA’s word over the [IAEA] any day not that I really trust either agency. Of course our awesome host CRW then goes on to almost contradict herself in the first sentence again!

“They are not saying that Iran has plans to do that, but the possibility of a nuclear Iran should strike fear in everyone.  But not Ron Paul.  No, Paul believes that the Iranian nuclear issue has been “blown out of proportion”, and seems to think that “offering friendship to them”  is a far better deterrent to their nuclear goals than sanctions.”

Ok, so the [IAEA] is not saying that Iranians are planning on enriching uranium to create nuclear bombs? So what proof do you have that they are going to? Oh that’s right- a gut feeling or something…they aren’t trustworthy right? I also now have information on how to build a nuke which I read on my above link….should my house be invaded until I give up my nuclear knowledge which will now have to be removed via ice cream scooper from my brain?

Also, offering friendship and open trade to a country usually is a great deterrent from war, as history has shown profit deters war…unless war is the profit. Then  sanctions will probably lead to war [as they have done in the past- just look at Iraq]

We also have another great deterrent to Iran ever using WMD’s against anybody- ever! You ready for this?

The IDF dumbass!

The Israelis have access to over 400 nuclear weapons and can deploy into Iran in a matter of hours for a full invasion. They have they finest air, land, and sea force in the entire region. Why does America need to be there shedding blood with them again? I don’t see the IDF in any of our wars helping out. Our best bet is to mind our fucking business and let the rest of the world blow itself up. How and why is this a bad plan? Then CRW goes on to say…

“At least that’s what he told Fox News Sunday.  Well, I have news for Mr. Paul. It won’t work. They have no desire to befriend “the great satan”.  They despise us and everything we stand for.”

Again, this is all based on your extensive foreign policy background, right? Or maybe you have been drinking the kool aid and not doing any of your own research. What makes you think Iranians despise us? Because of comments their unelected president (who is just a puppet to the real power in that country) says? I am sure they would hate us less if we hadn’t fucked up that country’s democracy by toppling their elected leader Mohammad Mosaddegh and giving his seat to a puppet authoritarian dictator! Then we demand endless sanctions against them because they want to protect themselves from aggressive neighbors like Iraq, whom they fought the longest war of twentieth century with, and weren’t the aggressors? Your inability to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes is absolutely amazing, lady! If I were Iranian, I would probably want nukes to!

She finishes with this.

Ron Paul isn’t going to change the Islamist mindset, and he’s a major fool to think he can.

Maybe you are a fool to think he can’t. History is full of great men who do just that! Change the course of public opinion globally. If the United States became the friend to all, enemy to none, more people than just the towel heads would change their opinions of us, that is for sure. Don’t think it is possible? Look at Sweden. They have declared neutrality in all conflicts since 1900….who are their enemies…NONE! I don’t like their gun laws and many of their socialist entitlement programs BUT…they got it right on foreign policy!

In closing…you are a dolt. You have potential though, just do a little research before opening your mouth and allowing too much woman feeling to overcome your logic!